What’s it like to perform on stage? Let your students find out!


Performing on stage is a thrill like no other, with excitement, adrenaline, nerves, and anticipation flying through the air. There are people frantically running around backstage, students in costumes, and others who may be practicing their last-minute dance moves or poking their heads around the curtain to see mum in the audience. It’s all a part of the beautiful performance experience. 

Participating in live performances is a valuable tool in developing teamwork skills and goal-setting abilities, as it involves working closely with others. It’s less about the individual and relies on a solid team working well together. It reinforces the importance of teamwork for primary students by taking them on a journey with their classmates with whom they share the rewarding experience at the end. Working towards school concerts also provides children with something big and exciting to work towards, teaching a valuable lesson in goal setting.

Studies conducted by the University of Arkansas (Education Next) examine the impact on students attending a live theatre performance vs. watching a video or reading the play. The researchers found that viewing live productions led to children’s increased knowledge of the plot, increased vocabulary, and enhanced empathy and learning engagement. Performing live on stage also has its cognitive benefits.

Taking part in live performances can be an exercise in mindfulness, as it pushes a certain level of focus that requires the performer to be in the moment. It aids in communication focus and boosts self-confidence, which is especially helpful for the more shy and reserved students.

At Kinect, we offer a range of school concert programs that can be tailored to suit what your school is all about. Concerts are a great way to finish the year and create life-long memories; the best part is doing all the work while you sit back and enjoy the show! 

“Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment, until it becomes a memory.”

– Dr. Seuss.


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