The wait is over

You’ve heard a lot from us at Kinect over the year and what we can do for your school, but have you met the team? The wait is officially over, and I would like to introduce you to our fantastic instructors. 

Bree – Director

I’m sure you’re all familiar with our incredible director Bree Shaw. Bree has a lifetime’s experience in dance and more than 13 years of experience teaching in schools. Bree brings her love and passion for dance to children from all walks of life and says, “To build students’ confidence and resilience at school, children need to be given the opportunity to learn without ‘right or wrong” and “The beauty of the Arts, and Dance, is that it is completely open to interpretation, therefore, the simple act of ‘giving it a go’ means success for that student.”

 Ivy – Dance Instructor

Ivy has been teaching since early adulthood and loves sharing her dance knowledge with students and inspiring them to step out of their comfort zones and try new things. Growing up, Ivy had a passion for the Performing Arts, participating in dance lessons from eight years old. She says, “I enjoy sharing my passion with growing students because I see how happy it makes them, and I remember what that was like for me growing up.”

 Kyle – Dance Instructor

Kyle is an energetic force, enthusiastic about sharing his knowledge and passion for dance in schools. He says, “I love teaching kids who are new to the world of dance and introducing them to something so positive and universal.”

Kyle has been teaching for several years around Melbourne in dance studios, including a variety of workshops in several schools..”


Our team at Kinect loves what they do and is so grateful to be able to share out passions with the schools of Victoria.

Live, Love, Dance 

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