“Mum, when I grow up, I want to be an accountant.” - Said no child.



 What did you want to be when you grew up? Perhaps it was an astronaut, a rockstar, a sports champion, an olympian, or even Beyonce’s backup dancer!… or maybe that was just me. The point is, I bet you dreamed big! As a child, you idolise those people you see in the spotlight of society, with ambitions as big and the world at your fingertips. It’s so exciting. However, some children may not have found that passion yet. 


Introducing Dance as a subject in Primary schools can introduce students to a new passion, maybe even one they want to pursue professionally. It can open up pathways to many other careers, including music, choreography, acting, drama, and performing. For some, it may even be a new hobby that they are not fortunate enough to get involved in outside of school. Dance has opened so many pathways throughout my life, from friendships to careers, and it truly is a beautiful thing to be shared with the younger generation of today.


At Kinect, we believe that dance can open many doors for the youth. It is more than just meeting the Australian curriculum requirements. The introduction of dance allows children to be involved in something creative, social, and for most, something outside of their comfort zone. On the surface, it focuses on developing cardio fitness, gross and fine motor skills, and creativity. Digging a little deeper, you’ll see dance benefits children’s social skills. Working together in whole year level or cross year level activities and dance with partners building on their cooperation and team skills.

But wait…there’s more.


Dance as a subject fosters children’s resilience and confidence. Encouraging children to give something outside their wheelhouse, such as dance a go opens their minds to new things, be brave, and give new things a try – Resilience.

Providing children with a classroom subject that is an art form and therefore open to interpretation means the simple act of giving it a go is successful. If they try, they can’t fail – confidence. 


We strive to change lives for the better and encourage students to follow their dreams. 

“Follow your dreams, even if that dream is to become an accountant.”

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