Many of us know and are aware that being a mindful person is a positive thing. To teach this in our schools would be great, but where do we start?

Mindful breathing is a fundamental skill. The purpose of mindful breathing is to anchor oneself in the present – having the skill to let go of concerns, events that have happened in the past that we cannot change, or thoughts and fears of possible outcomes in the future. Mindful breathing is shown to reduce anxiety/stress and increase a positive headspace. 

To have a classroom of students that can make clear decisions, separate themselves from their emotions, and become self regulated learners is something schools desire but simply don’t know where to start.

Some schools have started to introduce mindfulness apps such as ‘Calm’ to bring relaxation into the classroom but what if this isn’t enough? How do we teach children the importance of mindfulness and breath if we don’t have the tools to do so?

We have the solution. Kinect2Self is a face-to-face school incursion program designed specifically for schools. The 5 lesson program breaks down the key elements of mindfulness into easy steps which help school aged children learn practical skills to improve mindfulness. This program is uniquely designed based on movement so it allows students to learn through play and warm to a new experience. 

For more information or to see our program in action check us out

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